Natural Spotlight: Jessica

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I've known Jessica since I was a freshman at Duncan U. Fletcher High School in Jacksonville, Florida years ago. Imagine my surprise when she announced on Facebook that she was going natural and was ready to big chop. Here's her story...

1. Introduce yourself to us (are you: loc'ed, newly natural, natural-n-pressed, etc.)
My name is Jessica and I am newly natural.
2. Why did you decide to embark on this journey?
My husband and I watched a documentary that Chris Rock did called "Good Hair" I knew that the chemicals in a relaxer were not all that great. After seeing what the chemicals really do your hair,  my husband asked "why do you guys put that crap in your hair". He stated that he would rather me have natural hair then to put that back in. Both my mom and sister are natural and it is something I've always wanted to do but was a little scared to.
3. How did people react once they saw you post big-chop? What does your new hubby think about the change?
I have received nothing but positive responses. My husbands loves my hair and says he's less afriad to touch it now LOL.
4. Since you've only recently big chopped, what was your transitional plan? 
I put my last relaxer in before I got married in December decided to let the new growth grow some before the big chopped. I big chopped on February 23.
5. Do you have any hair goals you would like to reach within the first year?
I just want my hair to grow healthy and strong and find the right products to keep it soft and shinning.
6. Youtube and are well-known natural hair resources. What did you do to educate yourself during your transition?
I watched some of the Youtube channels and prayed on it.
7.What is the natural hair scene like where you live?  Do you see many naturals in your area? 
Its the norm, nothing new. I see tons of natural women in Tallahassee (which happens to be a college town); everyone is trying something new here.
8. If we want to keep in touch with your natural hair journey, is there a blog or website we can follow?
 I only have Facebook for right now but I will keep you posted if I venture out from that site.