2014 Resolutions

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2014. I can't believe we made it. 2013 was a whirlwind of a year for me personally so I can only imagine what 2014 has in store.

While someone people are shunning away the idea of new year resolutions, I am embracing them. On my fitness site, Watch Mo Run, I wrote about a couple I want to do related to my health. Here, I'm going to write about a few that related to my hair and Natural & Fab...

1. SITE REDESIGN. I'm still not quite satisfied with my blog design so I plan to do another complete overhaul in the coming months. It's not a quick process so just bear with me. Trust me, you'll love it when it's done.

2. STEAM MORE. I mentioned to my husband the other day that I would help him out with my Valentine's Day gift so I requested a steamer. I really want to incorporate steaming into my regimen to get some moisture back into my hair for the rest of the winter.

3. STRAIGHTEN MORE. I typically only straighten my hair once year but this year I want to do it at least 3 times. I hate heat but I think a combination of steaming and gentle handling will help strengthen my hair for when I straighten it.

4. MORE VIDEOS! I'll admit I got a little lazy with my hair during the last half of the year, especially after our wedding. I have made a promise to myself to do more videos this year that include product reviews and tutorials. There are tons of great new products out there; let's explore them together.

5. HOST A MEET-UP. I've been dying to host a natural hair meet-up so I may finally get around to do one this year. Plus the world natural hair show will be here in April and I absolutely can't miss out on that opportunity.

6. EXPERIMENT WITH NEW STYLES. I am always finding really cute and creative hair styles on YouTube. This year I want to test a few of them out and even come up with some of my own.

7. BLOG MORE REGULARLY. I need to get back into a blogging rhythm. I may not post every day but I will aim for every other day with a mix of reposts and original content.

What are your natural hair goals for 2014?