Straightening Natural Hair

3:22:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

One of my biggest fears with my natural hair is heat damage. I've been natural for 15 months (natural meaning since my big chop) and I have yet to straighten my hair. 0_0 Although I had no initial desire to do so, I can't help but I get the urge to when I see how long my hair is when stretched. I mean, who doesn't want to see if their once-shoulder-length hair is now longer? 

My plan is to straighten my hair in September. I want to spend the next few weeks doing some protective styles and keeping my ends trimmed. I'm a cesspool of emotions but anxious is probably the most prominent. I am terrified of my beautiful curls getting heat damaged and never going back to the way they were.

What advice do you have for naturals who are going to straighten their hair? What products do you recommend to protect against the heat?