Shea Moisture at Walgreens!

4:19:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Have you heard the news? Shea Moisture has recently launched at Walgreens across the US! I was so excited when I read a tweet from a former Natural Spotlighter who shared the news. As part of their launch, they were offering a buy one, get one on all products until April 2. I immediately ran to the nearest store and racked up. I am in love with their line. Since switching to solely organic/natural products, I have seen a HUGE difference in my hair. Moisture retention and shininess is up, breakage and dry hair is down. Give them a try if you haven't already.

One thing to note: If you are using any of their products, do not apply any other commercial products with it. I learned from experience that you will end up with white flakes all over  your hair.