Natural Spotlight: Dominique of All Things O'Natural
Meet Dominique, founder and creator of All Things O'Natural.
1. Introduce yourself to us (are you: transitioning, loc'ed, newly natural, natural-n-pressed, etc.)
I have been natural for 16 months and I am 9 months post big chop.
2. Why did you decide to embark on this journey?
Well, the natural hair was the last piece of the puzzle in my strive to live a natural lifestyle. I was using natural herbs for me and my family and I even have a homeopathic pediatrician for my 3 children, so me altering my hair from its natural state made me feel like a walking contradiction.
3. How have people reacted to your hair so far?
I've actually had wonderful support and wonderful responses.
My ultimate hair goal is to maintain healthy, full hair for as long as I can.
5. What's your hair care regimen?
I cowash once to twice per week using Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner. I do a final rinse using cool water and apple cider vinegar. I leave some of the conditioner that I cowashed with in for moisture and I seal the moisture in with my Natty Butter. I wash once per month using Shea Moisture Restorative Shampoo. I deep condition twice per month using Shea Moisture Deep Treatment masque which I add raw honey, extra virgin olive oil and a tablespoon of my Natty Butter, mix together and sit under my heat cap or use my Huetiful steamer. I also incorporate Ayurvedic regimens which makes my hair truly thrive.
6. We are all searching for "the holy grail" when it comes to hair care products. What's the one product you can't live without?
Wow, that's a hard one, it's hard to name just one. I would have to say my Natty Butter because it has the carrier oils, butters and essential oils that I love in it.
7. YouTube and are well-known natural hair resources. How do you educate yourself about natural hair? What are some of your favorite sites?
I educate my self through trial and error with my hair as my test subject. I also love YouTube and Nikole with The Mop Top Maven.

8. What is the natural hair scene like where you live? Do you see many naturals in your area?
It's not as prevalent as when I was living in Atlanta, but it's slowly creeping up, but when I say slowly, I mean it's moving like a Sloth. I don't see that many naturals in my area, not as many as I am used to while living in Atlanta.
9. Tell us more about Living the Natty Lifestyle and your products.

The Natty Butter is a great hair and skin moisturizer. It is wonderful for sealing in the moisture to our hair, but also allows moisture to penetrate our hair. With Shea butter and Mango butter as it's main base, it makes a wonderful styling agent. The term Natty came from my husband who said that a nice nickname for Natural would be thanks, honey, for that. The Natty Scrub is excellent for exfoliating and rejuvenating the skin because of the dead sea salt, orange peel, cupuacu, cocoa, and tucuma butters and other great goodies..the extra benefit is that it has a dash of the Natty Butter in it. And the totes are so great because you can have a your own picture of you rocking your fly natural with my logo, which is so nice. They are wonderful for shopping or carrying items in or as a purse tote.
10. If we want to keep in touch with your natural hair journey, is there a blog or website we can follow?
You can follow me at www.allthingsonatural., and on facebook under All Things O'Natural..Keep Inspiring Beautiful Naturals.
You can follow me at www.allthingsonatural.
Write commentsHer hair is absolutely gorgeous! Love the definition of her kinks ;)
Reply"Rockin’ it"!
Her hair is absolutely beautiful!