Giveaway Time

1. Tell me why I said I went natural
2. Tell me why you went natural
3. Tell me who my hair texture twin is
Bonus Question: Where did I go to college? :)
Please indicate a number by your entry. Those who answer the bonus question correctly will win a bonus gift. You can either submit it through the comments section of email me at Good luck to you all! The giveaway closes on June 10 at Noon!
Write comments2. Thanks for the giveaway! I decided to go natural because initially, my hair was thinning extremely bad and I had some issues with hair loss. This was the BEST decision I could have made! Thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyP.S. Please stop by when you have a chance, “You’ve been tagged"!
2. i went natural because i was tired of the expense and pain of relaxers; also i didn't like bone straight hair anyway, always got roller sets done so why not just wear my natural curls?
2. I went natural when I realized that I did not need a relaxer(well, no one NEEDS a relaxer anyway) because my hair is beautiful the way it is intended to be. Also, I have always been in love with curly hair, come to find out I already had some on my head! By going natural I became more comfortable in my skin and I now feel like I'm more "me" than I ever was before.
Reply3. Your hair texture twin is Alex from "the good hair blog".
ReplyI went natural for many reasons, including: I wanted to see my natural hair, relaxers were breaking off my hair, and I was tired of paying for a touchup every 8 weeks. Plus, the straight hair was boring.
ReplyBonus Answer: Fort Valley State University
2. I went natural because my relaxers always made my hair break off in one particular area and my hair was never "straight" it was always puffy like I was natural. So I figured why not just go natural.