Natural Hair Spotlight: Traycee
1. Introduce yourself to us (are you: loc'ed, newly natural, natural-n-pressed, etc.)
Hi, I'm Traycee and I'm newly natural. I started transitioning in October 2009 with protective styles like twist-outs so that I wouldn't put alot of heat on my hair. By the time 2010 came around, I was tired of dealing with 2 hair textures but I wasn't ready to do the big chop. In the beginning of Feb 2010, I got a weave for the first time in my life. I finally got up the nerve to do the big chop in April 2010.
2. How long have you been natural and why did you decide to embark on this journey?
I've learned that there is tons of information about how to take care of your natural hair on the 'Net. I've also learned that women go natural because of their hair falling out or scalp burns from relaxers. I decided to do it because I just wanted to try something different. My thought process was if I didn't like it or if it was too much work than I was willingly to do, I could always slap a relaxer in my head or at least some weave. LOL The only regret I have now is not doing it sooner.
3. How did people react to the changes you made to your hair? Were they supportive or against it?
I remember telling someone close to me I was going natural. She said "you are crazy as hell!" More people were supportive than against it. Now the ones who were against it in the beginning love my hair and talk about going natural themselves.
4. What's the one thing you've noticed about yourself since going natural?
I've always been confident but it has increased. Another thing I've notice about myself is I love talking about natural hair. I love when people come up to me and ask about my hair. Sometimes I think I talk their heads off.
5. What's your hair regimen?
Since I'm still in the TWA stage, I wear mostly wash n gos. I cowash my hair every morning using Cantu Shea Butter, Suave Almond & Shea Butter, or Currls Coconut conditioner. I've learned that my hair LOVES shea butter. Then I add leave-in conditioner and Carol's Daughter Hair Milk and I'm out the door. Sometimes I do twist-outs or if I really want to switch it up, I will add flat twists on the side or front. I make sure I deep condition at least once a week. I've read nothing but good reviews about glycerin so I will be adding that to my regimen.

One thing I love about natural hair is that there are so many different styles you can wear.
One thing I love about natural hair is that there are so many different styles you can wear.
6. Do you have any hair goals?
I just came up with my hair goals a few weeks ago. By my 1st anniversary, I would like my hair to be pass my ears when I'm wearing a twist-out or wash n go. Right now it touches the top part of my ear.
7. Do you think you will ever revert back to relaxers?
I doubt I ever will. Being natural is more managable. I'm thisclose to giving away my curling and flat irons!
8. What's one piece of advice you want to leave readers with?
9. Is there a blog or website we can follow you at?
My blog is at It's not a natural hair blog but a personal blog. I do post about my hair from time to time. You can also follow me on twitter at
Write commentsI dont' know how I missed this! It's been great watching Traycee's journey! Everyone raves about Cantu Shea Butter. I haven't tried it yet.