Wedding Pictures!

10:32:00 AM 2 Comments A+ a-

Hey guys! My husband and I are still going through all our wedding pictures (we had 3 photographers and ended up with over 1,000 photos!) so I thought I would share a few of the official unofficial pictures from the day. Not only was my day perfect but the people who helped capture those moments were perfect too (thanks Regina and Tarisha!). Please enjoy!

My mother-in-law helping my mom with her dress

I was a very excited bride. 

Gifts gifts gifts!

My dad and I at the altar before he gave me away

My oldest brother and my line sister

My youngest brother and our cousin

Our cake. Each tier was a different flavor of cake.

Father-daughter dance

My parents getting down on the floor! 32 years of marriage and they are still silly together.

Get it Cathy!

My parents giving a toast.

Time to toss the bouquet!

I told hubby he had to really dig to find that garter  ;)

My sorors serenading me

My shoes said 'I do' and his said 'me too'

My bouquet

My friends!

Getting ready to walk down the aisle


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July 23, 2013 3:02 PM delete

Pretty pictures. I recognize a few of those faces from the vision board party

James Brown
August 09, 2013 1:12 AM delete

Beautiful Pictures.What a stunner of a wedding! I love wedding.I could steal a few ideas to add some glamour to me day.You all look great and super happy and dress is absolutely gorgeous!
