Testing Out Mini Twists
Semi-mini twists |
I have yet to try wearing mini twists for an extended period of time yet (blame it on laziness) but I do want to give them a chance this winter. To prep for the style, I twisted my hair into some semi-mini twists that I wore for about 3 days and then I pulled them apart once. I'm already on day 2 and so far they are holding up well. I mist my hair with a little leave-in conditioner at night and over it with a bonnet. In the morning I spray my hair with water, shake and go. I probably won't apply a moisturizer until day 4 and when I do I will be using flaxseed gel.
This style is holding up really well with the all the rain we are having here in Atlanta. I've come to realize that because I have super thick hair, when I do do my mini twists I will literally have to try and make them as small as possible so that they aren't quite as thick.