Day 2 Braidout

9:33:00 AM 4 Comments A+ a-

I've never been a fan of first day hair. Sure the definition is great and your hair is super shiny but I tend to like the slightly-messy-yet-put-together look that comes with second day hair. 

Second day braidout at the Fashionable ATL Blogger Event

My 1st day braidout was big hit but I wasn't completely satisfied with the results they yielded so I headed over to Twitter to consult with my natural ladies there. I realized after speaking with Serenity23 that my mistake was in not doing enough braids. I initially only did about 6-7 braids on my hair when I should have doubled that number. I went back and rebraided my hair that night by misting it with leave-in conditioner and using a little curl smoothie when I braided. What a difference a day makes!

My hair was much bigger and thicker the next day, just the way I like it. The definition was even better than the first day and my curls seemed a little shinier. 

I received tons of compliments on my hair and engaged in a couple of conversations with people about what I did and which products to use. Thanks for the suggestion, Serenity!


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July 29, 2011 8:23 AM delete

Thank you! I don't know why I haven't been doing braidouts along!

August 10, 2011 9:52 AM delete

It looks great! I don't know if you've thought of this but I also will do twists in my hair when I wash it and then wear a twistout maybe a day and then at night, I will braid it up. The next day hair is fabulous! I love the volume I get with braidouts and it seems to be stretched a little more.

August 10, 2011 2:02 PM delete

I'll have to try that. Never thought it. I've been rocking a twist out for two days now so maybe I'll braid it up tonight.
