The World Natural Hair Health and Beauty Show

The 2011 World Natural Hair, Health and Beauty show will be held in Atlanta on April 30 - May 1, 2011 at the Georgia International Convention Center in College Park, GA. We are gearing up for another exciting show. This year's show will include new FREE consumer and professional workshops, the best natural hair, locing and barber competitions, Da Poetz Corner the new Wellness Way Pavillion providing FREE Health Screenings, the Children's Corner, healthy eating and nutrition information, the latest in healthy hair and beauty products and services and so much more. Of course, the Natural Hair, Health and Beauty Show is always filled with excitement, beautiful people, beautiful fragrances, music and a sea of information on natural hair, health and beauty. Come and see why Natural Hair is the official other choice for hair care and why it should be the choice for you.
I will definitely be in attendance and hope to see you there!