Dating and Natural hair
The perfect outfit? Check. The right makeup? Check. Matching purse and killer shoes? Check, check. And of course a head full of straight hair. *record scratching* Natural hair is becoming the norm these days, as many women have opted to rock their kinks and curls or press their chemical-free hair straight. I can't help but wonder if having natural hair has made it more difficult to date.It does not surprise that many men prefer women with long, silky straight hair. As someone once told me, "Men like to run their fingers through your hair and they can't do that if it's nappy." *insert eyeroll here* I do wonder if natural hair is a deal breaker for men. Do the kinks and curls of natural hair mean that your hair is nappy, thus, making you more unattractive? I think not. There are some men who embrace natural hair and say, "Hey, I like a woman that is willing to let go of chemicals and rock the hair God gave her."
Have you encountered any issues or negative comments when it comes to having natural hair and dating?
Write commentsMy friends and I went to something sorta like a relationship/dating seminar, and the lady basically told us to get perms and/or weaves because that's what men like....
Replyman, i have a friend who has a worse case of hand in hair syndrome than I do.
Replyanyway On topic: i think a man falls in love with you, if the hair is a deal breaker, he isn't the man for you.
ReplyIt was a major problem between this one guy and I who told me if I really wanted to be with him, I had to get my hair straightened at least twice a month, and that wasn't going to happen.
I find it totally unfair that someone can demand you to change a part of your appearance to appease them. What about loving people for who they truly are?