And the winner is...

9:33:00 AM 0 Comments A+ a-

Congratulations to Jamila! You are the lucky winner of:
1 bottle of Jane Carter Solution Leave-In Conditioner
1 bottle of Taliah Waajid's Bodifer Mist
1 bottle of Herbal Essence Totally Twisted Conditioner
1 bottle of Jojoba Oil
And some bonus goodies since I'm in a good mood

Here's your response to your 2011 goals (hair and non-hair) related:
I have had natural hair since 2004. I wear my hair straightened majority of time because of my lack of knowledge regarding caring for my natural curls.

In 2011 I plan to educate myself on my type of curl pattern and experiment with different products and styles. I will challenge myself to a "no heat" challenge. I believe if I do not allow heat to touch my hair my hair could be in a healthier state. I have read alot hair websites and plan to make my own deep conditioner and hair oils.

My 2011 non hair related goals.
1. Develop a healthier eating habits. Eating healthy contributes to healthy hair.
2. Spend more quality time with my family.
3. Eliminate some debt and begin saving for a home.

In most importantly each and every goal that I have set for myself to reach in 2011 will be achieved!