Texture Twins

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Today's post stems from a conversation on Twitter about finding your texture twin. Your texture twin is someone who's has hair texture is similar to yours and oftentimes acts the same way. It may not be possible to find your texture twin immediately in your natural hair journey since your hair is still "sorting itself out".

My texture twin is none other than Alex from The Good Hair Blog and a former Natural Spotlight here on Natural and Fabulous. While looking at her images one day, I realized that our hair looked exactly alike. Further research showed that she often ran into some of the same challenges I ran into in regards to moisture (or lack thereof), detangling, frizziness and shine. I've found it most helpful to "compare notes"  with what's she's doing, give it a try and tweak as necessary. 

Both of us with flat twists

Have you found your hair twin? If so, what things do you have in common in regards to your hair?