Natural Spotlight: Alex
Meet Alex, author of The Good Hair Blog and a pretty well-known naturalista. If I had to pick someone with a texture and length similar to mine, Alex would be it.
1. Introduce yourself to us (are you: loc'ed, newly natural, natural-n-pressed, etc.)
Hello Everyone! My name is Alexandra and I am a kinky, curly, coily natural haired sista! I am also a blogger ( and the owner of Safi Hair Care.
2. You've been natural for quite sometime now. Are you still surprised when people stop you on the street to question you about your hair?
I celebrated my ONE YEAR NATURAL anniversary (*jumps for joy*) on September 26th! I was super excited about my natural hair anniversary. I have come a long way. I love it when people stop me on the street and ask me about my hair. I love raving about my journey and also sharing stories with fellow naturals. I am, however, still trying to get used to people RANDOMLY touching, grabbing and stroking my hair; without asking. LOL.
3. How did people react to the changes you made to your hair? Were they supportive or against it?
Everyone loved my hair. My family and friends have always been supportive in my choice to go natural. It was me who was a little hard on myself at first but I do not regret my decision at all. I love my hair and I will never go back to a relaxer.
4. What's the one thing you've noticed about yourself since going natural?
I stand out. My personality has always been kind of vivacious and fun but now I feel like my hair brings out my confidence and personality even more.
5. What's your hair regimen?
6. What is your staple hairstyle for the summer?
I would definitely say that Wash and Go’s were my staple in the beginning of the summer, before I could achieve a puff ball. Once I was able to get my hair in a puff that style became my new best friend.
7. You are pretty well known around the natural hair blogsphere. How does feel to be considered a "go-to" site for natural hair care info?
I really have NEVER looked at it that way. I am flattered that you think my site is well-known and a go to site. I guess it feel great! I started my blog with the intention for personally document my growth and natural hair journey. I never expected it to be as popular as it is now. I love the natural hair community and I am glad to be a part of it.
8. I love that you include videos about hair care as well as self-love and acceptance about your hair. Do you feel many women choose not to go natural for fear of not being accepted by others?
I do not really have an opinion when it comes to that question. However, I do feel that more and more women are going natural for more personal reasons now, which is GREAT! Everyone’s decision to be relaxer free is unique to them and I think that in itself is an amazing thing.
8. Is there a blog or website we can follow you at?