Natural Spotlight: Kendra
Meet one of my favorite bloggers, Kendra, who is willing to share her 14 years of natural hair knowledge with us.
1. Introduce yourself to us (are you: loc'ed, newly natural, natural-n-pressed, etc.)
This is my 14th year natural. I transitioned for about 9 months and ended with shoulder-length natural hair that I had no idea how to care for. I would pull it back in ponytails or try to blow dry it straight which would result in a Diana Ross type blow out. I slowly learned how to embrace my texture and now rarely straighten it. It hasn’t been straight since 2005. I wear twist outs most days but I also wear twists, braid outs, buns and wash and gos. It's too much fuss to wear it straight, too much heat and too much effort. I like the 20 minute style and keep it going routines.
2. You've been natural for quite sometime now. Are you still surprised when people stop you on the street to question you about your hair?
Yes, I am surprised. Sometimes I have to remember that I am natural. Now it is just hair. I wash it, condition it, style it and keep going. After a few years it was not a big thing for me anymore. I am no longer obsessed about length or curls. I am happy with it and that seems to attract more people that want to touch it or ask me questions and I really don’t mind the questions.
3. How did people react to the changes you made to your hair? Were they supportive or against it?
Everyone kept asking what I was going to do with it and why I wanted to grow it out. I grew up in salons with two aunts that were hair stylists. They would style our hair for free but we had to work in the salon. I HATE salons now and I always ended up with chemical burns no matter how dirty my hair was or how much they basted my scalp before my touch up.
4. What's the one thing you've noticed about yourself since going natural?
There are a lot more naturals now then 14 years ago, LOL! Seriously - I don’t care what other people think, it was part of the process of loving me. Although I’m not sure if my hair had anything to do with that or if it was a timing coincidence. Everyone recognizes me from my hair, and that is okay. It is part of who I am.

6. What is your staple hairstyle for the summer?
Wash and go with Olive Oil Eco-Styer gel. The heat and humidity kills my hair. This allows me to condition more often and not worry about the twisting and drying time but it makes my hair feel thin over time so I have to switch it up after a week or so.
7. What's one piece of advice you want to leave readers with?
Not to spend a fortune on products trying to get your hair to look like someone else’s photo. Everyone is different and so is hair. Find products that work for you and learn to love your hair, no matter what it does. My hair frizzes no matter what I use and I had to learn to except it. Except your hair and what it can and can not do.
8. Is there a blog or website we can follow you at?
Of course! My blog is but my hair can be found at you can email or pm me for the password.