Natural Spotlight: Ashley
Our "Natural Spotlight" is none other than Ashley, author of The Ashley Nicole Show blog. She's a newly natural embracing her curls and sharing her story with the world.
1. Introduce yourself to us (are you: loc'ed, newly natural, natural-n-pressed, etc.)
My name is Ashley and I have been natural for almost 8 months.
2. How was your big chop experience?
I actually had 3 big chops in less than 30 days! Crazy, I know! I BC'd November 2009 because I was studying abroad in Murcia, Spain and I couldn't find a salon that offered services for my transitioning hair. When I returned home in December to the North Carolina, I got my hair cut twice because I wanted to make sure that my hair was in a good hair shape. I transitioned for 6 months, but I cut my hair down to about 1/2 inch. I absolutely loved my big chop! I felt so liberated and so free!
3. How did people react to the changes you made to your hair? Were they supportive or against it?
My family was very supportive of my decision to go natural. My mother used to have a TWA, my sister had sisterlocks for 8 years and a few of my cousins are natural as well so my family accepted my natural hair very well.
4. What's the one thing you've noticed about yourself since going natural?
Since going natural, I now I have a ton of confidence. I always feel good about myself and my hair. I truly love myself now. I also started making my life more natural. I have been using more natural products for my skin and I'm also trying to get into natural hair products too.
5. What's your hair regimen?
I try to keep things as simple as possible! I wash my hair with DevaCare No Poo and condition my hair with DevaCare One Condition or Lekair Hair Cholesterol Plus. I detangle my hair with a wide toothed comb. Miss Jessie's Baby Buttercreme is my current moisturizer.
6. What is your staple hairstyle for the summer?
My staple hair style would be a twist out. I love twist outs, because you can do different variations of this style. I like doing a chunky twist out and very defined twist outs too.
7. What's one piece of advice you want to leave readers with?
Be patient with your hair.
8. Is there a blog or website we can follow you at?
My blog is
My YouTube user name is Princesasosweet